Storm clouds from the West roil eastward across the Winter sky over Túmgûl. The sickly-purple and -green flashes of lightning, mixed with the more natural blue-white bursts of energy, all but proclaim their source as Ángorfel.
In the lower reaches of Taer Mithéngol, a slightly stooped, weary figure waves a tired hand in front of a large, ornately-framed mirror. The reflective surface instantly clouds with a swirling silver mist borne from its depths, and the details of the room vanish from its surface. Supported by a neat but ornate staff, the figure nods to itself, leans almost imperceptibly toward the mirror, and whispers. Above, the sky answers with a thunderclap.
A single, whispered word of power that will let the figure view and communicate through the mirror and across the gulf of distance with a small band of strangers to this world—Strangers who struggle against the growing storm of the West and the quaking heavens.
A single, whispered word echoes against the mirror's reflective surface and reverberates across the Dweomerwash.
A single, whispered word:
It starts tonight, a new chapter in the Chronicles of Arn! Join me on KloOge.Werks as we figure out how to use the virtual tabletop to help us bridge the gaps between our face-to-face game sessions. I expect tonite to be more of an orientation/maintenance meet, but I'd like to squeeze in some actual gaming as well, to at least set the stage for the finale of The Staff of Sorrow's End.
Jump onto TeamSpeak tonight, Thursday 5/28/09, at 8:30 pm CDT and I'll get you the connection details for kLoOge.